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Pagar a los empleados con tarjetas de débito prepago-: ¿Es esto legal? El fiscal general de Nueva York lanza una Investigación

In late June, a Pennsylvania McDonald’s franchise came under legal fire for paying employee’s wages through pre-paid debit cards, or payroll cards. Natalie Gunshannon, who brought suit against the franchise owners for violating PA state labor law, alleged that she was unable to check her balance, withdraw money, pay bills online or replace her pre-paid debit card without paying high fees for each transaction. Because Gunshannon was a part time employee earning hourly wages, these card fees also resulted in her earning below the minimum wage required by federal and state labor laws.

Usually payroll cards are offered as an alternative option of wage payment to paper checks, cash or direct deposit. In all cases, employees must be given a choice of payment method. The PA McDonald’s franchise owners, however, issued these pre-paid debit cards as the only option for wage payment. When Gunshannon asked for a check instead of the pre-paid debit card, ella afirma que su manager le negó su petición diciendo que no podían pagar si ella no autorizó la tarjeta de prepago.

Como esta demanda continúa solicitando la atención nacional, la oficina del Fiscal General de Nueva York ha decidido investigar veinte más grandes empresas que utilizan sistemas de tarjetas de nómina para asegurarse de que cada empresa está cumpliendo con el estado de Nueva York y La ley Federal del Trabajo. Actualmente, la oficina está solicitando que estas empresas presenten toda la información del sistema de tarjeta de nómina y documentación pertinentes a finales de julio. El Departamento de Trabajo también está investigando aspectos jurídicos relacionados con las tarjetas de nómina.

Como empleado en el estado de Nueva York, entender que usted está obligado a dar su consentimiento antes de su empleador antes se le puede pagar los salarios a través de una tarjeta de nómina. You are also entitled to receive wages without incurring additional fees.

If you are an employee in New York City or Brooklyn who has been forced to accept wage payment through a payroll card or your payroll card fees subtract from your hourly wages, you should consult an attorney with expertise in wage and hour law. Most plaintiff side attorneys are willing to offer a free initial consultation if you are willing to come forward with the details.

Christopher Davis is an experienced employment litigator specializing in class actions, overtime wage recovery, discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, and Wall Street bonus disputes. Before entering private practice, Sr.. Davis served as an Assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office where he prosecuted violent crimes as a member of the Sex Crimes Unit.